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意 yi

Home Pinyin yi

本意 běnyì purported

不好意思 bù hǎoyìsi sorry

不介意 bù jièyì do not mind

不经意 bùjīngyì inadvertently

不如意 bùrúyì unsatisfactory

不意 bùyì unawareness

不在意 bù zàiyì don't care

诚意 chéngyì sincer; sincerity

出乎意料 chū hū yìliào unexpected

创意 chuàngyì creative

大意 dàyì main idea

得意 déyì proud; smugly

敌意 díyì animosities; animosity; enmity; hostility; inimical

恶意 èyì animus; malevolence; malice; malicious; maliciously; viciousness

故意 gùyì deliberate; deliberately; intentional; intentionally; purposefully; purposely

好意 hǎoyì kindness

好意思 hǎoyìsi good intention

合意 héyì befit; consensual

吉祥如意 jíxiáng rúyì good luck

假意 jiǎyì pretend

介意 jièyì mind

敬意 jìngyì respect

刻意 kèyì deliberate; sedulously

乐意 lèyì cheerfully; gladly; willing

立意 lìyì purposive

留意 liúyì pay attention

满意 mǎnyì contentment; pleased; satisfaction; satisfied

没意思 méiyìsi not interesting

民意 mínyì public opinion

暖意 nuǎn yì warm

潜意识 qiányìshí subconscious

歉意 qiànyì apologetically; apology

惬意 qièyì sincerity

情意 qíngyì affection

全心全意 quánxīnquányì whole-heartedly

任意 rènyì arbitrarily; arbitrariness

如意 rúyì wishful

善解人意 shàn jiě rényì empathetic

善意 shànyì bona fide; goodwill; intentioned; well-intentioned; well-meant

生意 shēngyì business

生意兴隆 shēngyì xīnglóng business is booming

失意 shīyì frustrated

诗意 shīyì poetical; poetry

睡意 shuìyì drowsiness; sleepiness; somnolence

顺意 shùnyì shuny

肆意 sìyì sincerity; wanton; wantonly; wilful

随意 suíyì arbitrary; random

特意 tèyì specially

天意 tiānyì god willing

同意 tóngyì agree; agreeable; assent; concur; concurred; concurrence; consented; consenting

玩意 wányì toy

玩意儿 wányì er thing

万事如意 wànshì rúyì good luck

无意 wúyì inadvertent; unintentional; unintentionally

无意间 wúyì jiān inadvertently

无意中 wúyì zhōng inadvertently

下意识 xiàyìshí subconscious

小意思 xiǎoyìsi small meaning

写意 xiěyì freehand

心满意足 xīnmǎnyìzú satisfied

心意 xīnyì mind

新意 xīnyì new meaning

虚情假意 xū qíng jiǎyì hypocrites

一心一意 yīxīnyīyì one-minded

意大利 yìdàlì italy

意见 yìjiàn observation; observations; opinion; opinions

意境 yìjìng artistic conception

意料 yìliào expected

意念 yìniàn idea

意识 yìshí awareness; consciousness

意识到 yìshí dào realize

意识形态 yìshí xíngtài ideology

意思 yìsī meaning; meant

意图 yìtú intent; intention; intentions

意外 yìwài accident; accidents; crash; unexpected; unforeseen; unintended

意味 yìwèi mean

意味着 yìwèizhe mean

意想不到 yì xiǎngbùdào unexpected

意向 yìxiàng intention; intents

意象 yìxiàng imagery

意义 yìyì significance; signification

意译 yìyì paraphrase; paraphrased

意犹未尽 yìyóuwèijìn still unfinished

意愿 yìyuàn craving; willingness

意旨 yìzhǐ partaking

意指 yìzhǐ impute

意志 yìzhì volition; will; willed; willpower

有意 yǒuyì intending; intentional

有意识 yǒuyìshí conscious

有意思 yǒuyìsi interesting

有意者 yǒuyì zhě interested parties

寓意 yùyì implied meaning

愿意 yuànyì willing; willingness

在意 zàiyì care

真心实意 zhēnxīn shíyì sincerely

真意 zhēnyì true meaning

执意 zhíyì insistently

旨意 zhǐyì purposed

中意 zhòngyì take one's fancy

主意 zhǔyì idea

注意 zhùyì attention; heed; idea; note

注意力 zhùyì lì attention

做生意 zuò shēngyì doing business

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce